Guidance and Counselling

TMS School recognizes the importance of making learning accessible to all students. We believe that every learner is unique with a different learning potential and a distinct learning style. Therefore, we not only try to provide a variety of learning experiences to exploit the students’ full potential but also identify and use appropriate task-specific tools to measure their progress. The Millennium Learning SystemTM (MLS) is an age appropriate learning system that caters to Introduce  over 750 vocations and fields, from Grade 6 onwards, with a focused outcome in mind. This outcome is clearly understood through our vision for every child who enters the system. So, for TMS students it is a continuous process where a child is exposed to different field and personalities, so that each individual has clarity about the work and need of profession.

For Senior Secondary students ‘one on one ‘sessions with the counselors are arranged so that students can traverse through a gamut of career options available to them. The speakers and resource persons from various universities are also invited to enlighten the students about varied recoures  and alternatives available in Science, Commerce and Humanities streams.

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